For both liner and tramping services, whether container, conventional or RoRo vessels, our port operations focus on safety and efficiency. Our experienced team are specialised in handling all types of cargo and vessel, providing speedy cargo operations and a fast turnaround, whilst abiding by safety procedures to ensure that the cargo is free from damage.
Principals are kept closely informed of progress, from pre-arrival information up until sailing, with operations staff always on line to provide up-to-the-minute status reports and photographs of any incident.
We additionally provide supervision for non-vessel related cargo operations and agency and supply services to cable ships operating offshore.
We have a strong, active marketing team, to accommodate the hands-on style of the Lebanese merchants. Our sales staff are thoroughly acquainted with the market, being well known to individual shippers as well as the community of forwarders.
In close cooperation with our freight forwarding department, we are able to optimise the cargo offering for our liner principals, and whilst Lebanon is mainly an importing country, we keep a close eye on local industry in order to identify available export shipments.
Comprehensive market reports are individually tailored to the services of our liner principals and sent out on a quarterly basis.
Documentation is meticulously checked prior to vessel's arrival to ensure conformity with local regulations and clients' needs, so as to avoid fines and claims. Our documentation team work closely with operations and marketing as well as co-agents in other ports.
Subsidiary Services
Marine insurance, surveying and claims settling are also available.
A licenced stevedore in the Port of Beirut, our stevedoring operation is focused on safe, efficient cargo operations under careful professional supervision. A fast turnaround is also a priority, for which our experience in handling all types of cargo from bulk to RoRo to containers is well suited.
We follow a practice of continuous training of labour and drivers, in order to ensure abiding by safety procedures and to keep fully up-to-date with innovations in the sector.
We carry professional liability insurance for stevedoring with the Navigators club in London.